Miyerkules, Marso 9, 2016

Top 10 Underrated Players of UAAP Season 78 Women's Volleyball

Sometimes, there are players who cannot get proper credit on their good performances because they are on the shadows of their teams' star player. 

So here are my list of underrated players and please take note that this is only my opinion. 

10. Bea De Leon (ADMU)

What it's like to live under Alyssa Valdez? Better ask this young middle blocker. For me, Bea De Leon is a more consistent player than Amy Ahomiro and Maddie Madayag. She always contributes points through blocks and spikes as well.

9. Remy Joy Palma (FEU)

Despite being the captain of FEU squad, she is sometimes put below their wing spikers Toni Rose Basas and Bernadeth Pons. For me, her efforts and attitude during the game are the ones that give confidence to her teammates. She also proved that she can help the team by having some offensive blocks with swag after and also her running attacks.

8. Shaya Adorador (UE)

It's true that Judith Abil is the one who currently lifts the UE squad but let's not forget that Shaya is their lone consistent player all throughout the season. Her maturity inside the court gives hope to UE fans that this UAAP 78, they can actually notch their first win.

7. Jasmine Nabor (NU)

Although she's a rookie, she is showing some skills that helps Lady Bulldogs maintain their final four spot. Proving this is the fact that Jasmine is now consistently on their first six replacing Aiko Urdas on utility position. She receives and digs decently and contributes to attacks as well. Indeed, she supports Jaja Santiago and Myla Pablo both in defensive and offensive department.

6. Mylene Paat (ADU)

She's definitely inconsistent on their last games but I know Mylene Paat still deserves a credit on her performance. Why? Because her attacks from the utility is still less predictable and her contribution on blocking is also commendable not to mention her occassional service aces.

5. Cyd Demecillo (DLSU)

This lady came from a foot injury but still somehow able to show her brilliance on their game against Ateneo and FEU. Cyd Demecillo is definitely a silent assassin of her team. She contributes through attacks and blocks but the most visible is her good defensive skills. I can't even count on my fingers on how many times she neutralize the spikes of Alyssa Valdez and other powerful spikers.

4. Jessey De Leon (UST)

I considered her as one of the underrated players because people cannot see her worth on her team. She maybe small for her position as a middle blocker but she showed that she can block her opponents well. Also, I liked the fact that when she is given a set, she do everything to turn it into a point.

3. Mary Joy Baron (DLSU)

This 5'11" middle blocker continues to show her strength and prowess but it seems that volleyball fans do not notice it. Although Baron is ranked # 1 in the blocking department and is best player for two consecutive games, too, only few people recognize her improvement. She is statistically ahead on Mika Reyes and Ara Galang which are her teammates.

2. Jorelle Singh (NU)

Under the blanket of Santiago and Pablo hides a 5"6' open spiker who consistently bring up points and defends the floor as well. Singh may be noticed by some but she's still often ignored by others. Her efforts of killing the ball even though there are tall blockers in front of her is one of the things I like about her. She's also vocal and certainly will be the future leader of NU squad.

1. Marian Buitre (UP)

Names of Molde, Carlos and Dorog can be seen in almost all of the news about volleyball nowadays. Also, Bersola and co-veteran Tiamzon continues to amaze all volleyball fans because of their maturity and skills shown on their games. But there's one name fans surely forget and that is no other than Marian Buitre. This 5'8" spiker can play both middle blocker and utility spiker due to the fact that she's good at blocking and has some force when she's spiking. On their last games against NU and ADMU, she was also consistent and reliable when it comes to scoring points. These proves her role on her team as also one of their veterans.

-Photos courtesy of Rivals PH-

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